EN: Portrait of legionary Jozef Benedik

V radoch československých legionárov regrutovaných zo Severnej Ameriky bolo niekoľkotisíc Slovákov. Bohužiaľ mnoho z nich za svoju vlasť padlo. Medzi hrdinov legionárskeho odboja patril aj Jozef Benedik, narodený 13. februára 1894 v Levoči.
EN: In the ranks of the Czechoslovak legionaries recruited from North America were several thousand Slovaks. Unfortunately, many of them died for their homeland. Among the heroes of the Legionary Resistance was Jozef Benedik, born on February 13, 1894 in Levoča.

Bol povolaním murár, do légií bol zaradený 18.12.1917. V čase zaradenia patril do 21. pešieho pluku Československých légií vo Francúzsku.
EN: He was a bricklayer by profession, he was enrolled in the Legion on December 18, 1917. At the time of his enlistment he belonged to the 21st Infantry Regiment of the Czechoslovak Legion in France.

Bol vojakom, padol vo Vouziers vo Francúzsku 22.10.1918. Tam je aj pochovaný. V čase smrti bol členom 22. pešieho pluku Československých légií.
EN: He was a soldier, he was killed in Vouziers, France on 22.10.1918. He is also buried there. At the time of his death he was a member of the 22nd Infantry Regiment of the Czechoslovak Legions.

Jozef Benedik bol členom 47. oddielu Slovenskej Telovýchovnej Jednoty Sokol v Monessen, Pennsylvánia. Jeho bratia Sokoli dali vyhotoviť po jeho smrti jeho podobizeň. My ju s pietou opatrujeme v Múzeu.
EN: Jozef Benedik was a member of the 47th Slovak Sokol Physical Education Union in Monessen, Pennsylvania. His Sokol brothers had his portrait made after his death. We cherish it with reverence in the Museum.